hassle n dazzle - new phase of life

so long time i'm not updating or scrolling on my blog..nothing much to write down but only bit sharing of my new updates...

after almost 3 weeks, wearied prepare for the conference..night and days...works almost 12 hours everyday without consider the travel distance..finally,yeaayy!!!!today is the day!!!conference healthcare..
so many thing happened...so many new things i learned from organizing and handling this conferences..yeah, its not simple as make dua selamat..to organize a national conference with international speaker, with much mannerism..fuhh..

Now, i moved forward..looking further..start the new phase of life..Work life..
actually, after finish my study..i bit worried..many question come in my mind...how to start my new phase of life???how i want to find a job...where to start???n so many more how n how lingering in the head..but ALLAH always the GREATEST!!

i finished my study few days before Eidul Adha..n got this work a week after raya...no need wait so much time like some people..no interviews..no tedious procedure..thanks ALLAH...Alhamdulillah...even its not my dream job but im so grateful...atleast my work related with my course..Allah give me this work at very perfect time..bz with work routine make me forgot about the petty matter...even i in grief mood..Allah make me feel like nothing happen..Thanks ALLAH

nothing much to say today..but praise to Allah.. Alhamdulillah..Walhamdulillah...Summalhamdulillah...
For all this grace n bless...Ya, Allah..thanks a lot...im really not deserve for all this..

"cahaya dan syurga"

lama berfikir...patut x tulis entri nie...risau takut hati akan makin lalai..
takut makin susah untuk buang rasa ini dari hati..Ya Allah bantulah hambaMu ini...
hari ni nk bercerita tentang "cahaya & syurga"...tp bukan cahaya n syurga sebenar..:)

Di satu tempat yang jauh....terdapat satu "syurga"...syurga yang sangat indah...sangat istimewa..sangat perfect dimata manusia....yang terlalu ramai dambakan..telalu ramai yang ingin gapai...terlalu ramai yang bercita-cita untuk mendapatkan syurga ini..maka, oleh kerana keindahan tersebut, banyak cahaya yang cuba ingin menyinarinya...cuba mendekatinya...cuba memasukinya....meskipun syurga ini tanpa cahaya pun sudah cukup indah berkilau n bersinar...tapi, tidak akan lengkap syurga tanpa cahaya..itu lumrah kn??

Dikalangan cahaya-cahaya yang cuba mendekati syurga itu...terdapat satu cahaya..walaupun hanya sekadar cahaya malap dari lampu minyak tanah, tapi dia cuba mengintai syurga dari jauh..walau hanya mengintai n melihat dari jauh...tapi sudah cukup membuat hati berdebar2 xkeruan..tersenyum sorang2...hahhaa..berfikir andai dia mampu menjadi teman syurga..mampu untuk menyinarinya..andai mampu untuk mendekatinya..itu sudah cukup....tapi...tapi cahaya tersebut sedar, mana mampu untuk dia bergandingan dengan syurga tersebut...mana mampu cahaya tersebut nk compete dgn cahaya-cahaya lain...cahaya-cahaya neon yang sangat indah dan cantik..cahaya-cahaya pendaflour yang menyinar...

Walau malap, walau xpandang...cahaya tersebut tetap bahgia memandang syurga dari jauh...kerana dia yakin Allah dah tetapkan satu syurga untuknya juga...semoga syurga tersebut terus berkilau dan menyinar...cahaya tersebut yakin, syurga sudah mempunyai cahaya nya sendiri..cahaya yang terbaik dikalangan semua cahaya2 :)

Sayang Sangat2

subhanallah..nyaman nye udara n cuaca beberapa hari ni..paling indahnye cuaca hari nie...berangin n redup je...subhanallah,subhanallah..subhanallah..

ari nie da masuk tanggal 14 Rabiulawwal 1434...2 hari lepas adalah ulangtahun kelahiran Rasulullah...sambutan Maulidur Rasul di Malaysia seperti biasa..ceramah,berarak...hati pun beberapa hari nie sgt tenang n hepi jer..mybe sebab 2,3 hari ni asyik dgr selawat n qasidah je sambil buat keje...tambah pulak tengah cuti...hehe..sempena Maulidur Rasul nie,paling suka bile tonton tv AlHijrah...byk sgt siarkan qasidah,selawat n sirah2 Rasulullah...sekurang2 sirah yg da lama tu dpt diingat kembali..

Bila mengenangkan ulangtahun Rasulullah nie..hati jd sayu..cukupkah hanya dgr berselawat dan berarak sahaja bg menunjukkan kecintaan kita pada Rasulullah???bukan kate sambutan yg diadakan n perarakan yg dijalankan  tu sia2..bukan itu mksud sy..
tapi sy tertanya2 untuk diri sendiri,adakah cukup dgn itu saja cara sy menunjukkan kecintaan saya pada baginda??
jujur, beberapa hari sebelum tiba hari ulangtahun baginda, saya sgt excited...rse excited, seperti tengah tunggu untuk menyambut ulangtahun kelahiran ahli keluarga...coz sy seorang yang sgt suka meraikan ulangtahun kelahiran seseorang..seronok bile dpt blikan kek walaupun sepotong kecil,dan buat suprise untuk orang tersebut..rase bahagia tgk muka dia hepi terima suprise yang kita buat...tp bila da tiba hari ulangtahun kelahiran baginda,sy lost..ape yg perlu sy buat???Rsulullah xde disamping sy untuk  sy sambut...hanya mampu sambut dr jauh...hanya mampu selawat dari jauh..tp sy nk Rasulullah tahu,sy sangat gumbira menyambut hari kelahiran baginda..sy nk Rasulullah tahu sy sayang baginda,sy nk Rasulullah tahu sy sayang baginda sgt2...walaupun sy bukan ummat yg baik..walaupun sy xlayak...tp sy sayang baginda..seyes syg sgt...

sy sedih kenapa sy still lalai..sy xmampu nk syg baginda mcm baginda syg sy...baginda nak meninggal pun baginda xlupakan sy...still sebut ummati,ummati,ummati...tp sy??kadang selawat,kadang terlupa pd baginda...Ya Rasulullah,knapa engkau sungguh mulia??knape engkau terlalu syg pd kami...Ya Rasulullah,aku takut...aku takut aku xmampu menyayangimu spt engkau menyayangi ku...tak terkira jasamu,pengorbanananmu demiku,demi ummatmu ini yg tercinta...Ya Rasulullah,aku xmampu...tp aku benar cinta padamu Ya rasulullah...

analisa yg xpernah berakhir

lme xmnaip...byk yg nk ditulis..tp mse n kdaan sgt2 xmngizinkan...
insyaallah,dlm mse trdekat nie..i will update my new analisa yg telah dianalisis...haha..

4 Wives

There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives.
 He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best.
He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He's very proud of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends. However, the merchant is always in great fear that she might run away with some other men.
He too, loved his 2nd wife. She is a very considerate person, always patient and in fact is the merchant's confidante. Whenever the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out and tide him through difficult times.
Now, the merchant's 1st wife is a very loyal partner and has made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and business as well as taking care of the household. However, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.
One day, the merchant fell ill. Before long, he knew that he was going to die soon. He thought of his luxurious life and told himself, "Now I have 4 wives with me. But when I die, I'll be alone. How lonely I'll be!"
Thus, he asked the 4th wife, "I loved you most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?" "No way!" replied the 4th wife and she walked away without another word.
The answer cut like a sharp knife right into the merchant's heart. The sad merchant then asked the 3rd wife, "I have loved you so much for all my life. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?" "No!" replied the 3rd wife. "Life is so good over here! I'm going to remarry when you die!" The merchant's heart sank and turned cold.
He then asked the 2nd wife, "I always turned to you for help and you've always helped me out. Now I need your help again. When I die, will you follow me and keep me company?" "I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!" replied the 2nd wife. "At the very most, I can only send you to your grave." The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant was devastated.
Then a voice called out : "I'll leave with you. I'll follow you no matter where you go." The merchant looked up and there was his first wife. She was so skinny, almost like she suffered from malnutrition. Greatly grieved, the merchant said, "I should have taken much better care of you while I could have !"

Actually, we all have 4 wives in our lives

  •  The 4th wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it'll leave us when we die.
  • Our 3rd wife ? Our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, they all go to others.
  •  The 2nd wife is our family and friends. No matter how close they had been there for us when we're alive, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave.
  • The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often neglected in our pursuit of material, wealth and sensual pleasure. 

"awak ni xmoden la!"

Tibe2 hari nie...teringat satu kejadian beberapa bulan yang lepas...seriously, i rase peristiwa nie sangat lawak...hohoho..
camni kesahnya....beberapa bulan yg lepas...ade la sorang member nie contact i...kitorang actually da 10tahun  ++  la lost contact...last jumpe mse darjah 4 dulu...first2 kitorang terjumpa kt fb...xingat la plak sape add sape dulu...tp tu xpenting la...so, kitorang pun selalu la chat kt fb...pada mulanya i really xsangka, he was my old frenz..sebab mse kecik2 dulu...badan dia sangat kurus kering...pemalu + pendiam...not expected...dia akan membesar n transform menjadi seorang jejaka yg  hensem n macho + tinggi + peramah plak sekarang....paling xtahan...badan dia da berketul2 cam fahrin ahmad skang...tp still xdapat menandingi fahrin ahmad la.. .hehehe..masa tu terpk gak...uish..rugi xtackle dia dulu...kuang3...

so,dari berfb..ktorang tukar fon no....slalu msg2 plak..topik biasa la...hal2 semasa..kenangan2 zaman budak2...i actually bukan biasa sgt msg2 or borak2 kosong ngan dak laki...bukan nk perasan baik..tp ntah la...rse xselesa..n terbatas..sebab .xsemua cerita leh share n open ngan orang lelaki nie sebenarnye...seriously, setengah jam pertama...leh tahan lg chat or msg...then minit2 berikutnya..i akan mati kutu..xtau nk borak pasal ape lg...kalu col, 10 minit je kot leh tahan...pastu lebih rela jd pendengar setia jer...hihi..
ops..sambung cerita...pastu satu hari tu dia minta izin nk call...so borak2 sekejap je la...tp xbyk kali pun kitorang borak kt fon...sebab kadang i xangkat...ye la pukul 2-3 pg kot...byk lg benda faedah leh buat...yg i boring nye dia nie...sgt 'mulut manis'..rase rimas n annoyying sebab i bkn yg jenis yg suka sebarang2 orang lelaki puji...sebab xrase dorang ikhlas dgn pujian dorang tu..n satu hal lg...dia nie..dr chat lg...asyik dok tanye...am i available @ not....oh,bosan nye...
then, cerita lawaknye bermula...oneday tu..dia col...borak2 cam bese la...then dia tnye..
"dok kL slalu kuar kL x??" i ckp la..."selalu gak kuar time weekend..tp mostly kuar ngan kakak...xpun ajak adik lelaki yg kt SAS tu..kalu x kuar ngan kwn2 perempuan je la".. pastu dia tanye lagi..."ngan kawan lelaki pernah kuar x??" i ckp je la...kalu ngan kwn lelaki yg paling rapat @ jiran lelaki sebelah umah (jiran dari kecik lg) pernah la kuar....tp tu pun kuar ramai2 la...nk kuar dua2 memang xkan la....kalu kita nk jumpa pun...sy ajak kakak or kawan teman kot..."jawab i kat dia... sebab before tu dia pernah ajak jumpa...pastu, seriously tau x dia jawab ape???
dia kata "ohh..awak nie...xmoden la"...lembutnye nada dia..tp cukup kuat berdentum hati  nie....xtertelan air liur aku mase tu...what???i yg xmoden???adakah bebas keluar ngan lelaki , pkai baju xcukup kain, party sana sini yg ko kira moden?????????? oh rosak2...tp nk tergelak sebenarnye...bahasa yg dia guna tu...ckp la aku nie old school ke...x up to date ke...nie ckp aku xmoden....adoi...hehehe... mybe xlawak bagi orang laen...tp ayat dia sangat lawak bagi aku...asal aku tgk perkataan moden...msti teringat kt dia....hahhaha...skang ktorang langsung xcontct da....nyah ko dari idup aku..daaaa~~

*biarlah i kuno n xmoden di mata manusia....asal i sentiasa moden n up to date di mata Allah....i lebih rela jadi seorang ygg xmoden...n berharap oneday,i will get jodoh yg xmoden cam i...biarlah ko moden ngan cara ko...

i'm a slave...

I’m only human,
So full of sin,
A slave.
I get blinded by anger and
Lose my temper
Causing danger
I’m only human,
So full of sin,
A slave.
I wear my pride on my sleeve
When I walk down the street
Careful as you greet
A slight I may perceive
I’m only human,
So full of sin,
A slave.
Wealth seduces
Entices into vices
Questionable deeds
And shady devices
I’m only human,
So full of sin,
A slave.
Beauty beguiles
Possessiveness reviles
Lust defiles
I’m only human,
So full of sin,
A slave.
Power Craving
Hunger Making
Lowers my sensing
I’m only human,
So full of sin,
A slave.
Attacked by temptation
Devilish persuasion
Internal Excitement
External Enticement
I’m only human,
So full of sin,
A slave.
I’m also one of the chosen
Able to reason
A slave
I can swallow my pride
Fight a good fight
Bow down and pray
Give loving praise
A slave
I was born to worship
A slave
I may be human
So full of sin
I’m only my Creator’s humble slave
That makes me brave
A slave.

"We have certainly created man in the best of stature, then We return him to the lowest of the low , except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they will have a reward uninterrupted, so what yet causes you to deny the Recompense?? " (95 : 4-8)